
Basic Nutrition Tips

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When to make the decision to get healthy, you have to start somewhere. But what to believe? Time after time diets fail. Consistent I the key for weight loss. These lose weight fast concepts don’t often include essential vitamins and minerals your body need. Take pride in yourself and your nutrition, and enjoy eating right. It is more expensive to buy healthy, natural food, but by doing so you might eat less.

Processed and refined foods are inexpensive and convenient, but they come with a higher price than you think. Your body is the most valuable commodity in your life, treat your body with the best you can. Optimal nutrition is essential for healthy function with age, and you can’t put a price tag on that.

There are so about nutrition out there, that most time instead of helping it only confuses. These basic nutrition tips are designed to help you take those first steps toward a healthier, happier way of living.

Avoid Overeating

Focus on finding a balance of hunger and fullness as you eat. Stop eating when you are no longer hungry, not just when you are full.

Be mindful that every time you eat those extra bites, they are not going to make you feel better. They will probably make you feel worse.

Think Like a Caveman

Food is energy for your body. Nothing more, nothing less. Think about your food before you eat: “Why am I eating this?” “Do I really need this?”

Sugar is one of the worst things for your body. It provides instant glucose to your system resulting in immediate energy. A short time afterward, the glucose is gone and your body is back to craving cheap sources of energy, like more sugar. The end result is insulin release in response to that meal promoting fatigue and brain fogginess.

Eat Naturally

Focus on things that come from the earth, not a factory. The best advice is, when shopping at the grocery store, stay along the outside walls where you find fruits, vegetables, beans and lean sources of meat. All of these occur naturally.

Try to go Organic

Buy organic whenever possible. If you can’t afford or find organic foods, no problem. Just wash your fruits and vegetables very well. Avoid canned and packaged fruits and vegetables as the preservatives are usually going to work against you.

Avoid Chemicals and Toxins

Avoid artificial sweeteners (especially Splenda). These are most often consumed in Crystal Light, diet sodas and “sugar-free” products.

They slow down your body’s metabolism. Drink plenty of water.

Take your Time

Good nutrition is a marathon, not a sprint. Don’t make the mistake of trying to change everything overnight. It took your entire life to adopt your current nutrition habits, expect it to take some time to change them.

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